Yes it is election time again for Malaysians, and you can see all the "hype and excitement" building up leading to the Big Day. Everywhere you go, you'll stumble upon or walk into banners, flag lines, buntings, and billboards filled with photos of election candidates along with cheesy slogans that lie through their teeth.
These advertising materials are hung from lamp poll to lamp poll, over the bridge, on the trees, as well as on some flats' main gates. You can even spot the gigantic prints pinned on the hills. Not only they are making the place look messy, they can be really hazardous too. I've seen a couple of middle school kids trying to cross the street, stumbling over some flag lines hung over the divider and nearly fell over onto the road. Fortunately, no one was showing off the power of their sports car at that very moment.
All these election candidates promised (on the outdoor advertising materials) to be everything you want them to be: sincere, of service to you, love the citizen, love the country, blah blah blah... whilst what they did not promise but have already done is: create rubbish for the public. I am 200% sure that all these outdoor advertising materials will be left exactly where they are now, after the election has ended. I can bet on my head!
Oh and suddenly the holey and bumpy roads are tarred and fixed! What a bunch of clever, clever politicians! But sorry folks, you'll only get them fixed every 4-5 years. Whatever incomplete work shall be continued a few days prior to the next general election.