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Longest receipt in the world

Receipts. One of the most annoying and pointless yet unavoidable things in life. It is necessary as evidence that you did not steal something from a shop, for making claims when you return the goods, as proof that you've been overcharged, etc. But most of the time you'll find that you have more receipts in your wallet than money.

As if it is not bad enough, we've just got ourselves what's probably the longest receipt in the world, from a book shop in Kuala Lumpur. We only bought 2 books but the total length of the receipt is 37.4cm.

What made it this long is the 2 paragraphs of very meaningless text (some "receipt stories" thingie) printed on the end of the receipt, taking up more than half the length of the paper. Did it serve any purpose? We have no idea. But we're sure that halfway trying to read the 2 paragraphs, we nearly fell asleep.

While some of us are trying to reduce wastage and stuff going to landfill, there are those who try every possible way to create advertising space to make money. What can we do? Probably nothing, unless we have the wealth power.

But in case you want some ideas on using up old receipts, here's a cute one on Fun Eco Home Projects.


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