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Showing posts from December, 2009

Flooded walkway in Kerinchi (Bangsar South)

When it rains, I prefer to walk home from the train station as there is no poisonous hot sun and heat to kill me. So when it was stormy and raining dogs and cats this afternoon, I thought I'd take the train then have a cool walk up the hill. The moment I arrived at the walkway leading up the hill, all I could see was a muddy river (or more like a waterfall) rushing down towards me. There are drain holes along the walkway and some of the grill covers are missing or half broken, and there is no way one can walk up there safely in this condition. So I had to walk outside the walkway i.e. on the main road. When I finally walked up to one spot where the steps were not covered in angry muddy water, I went back on the walkway and found where the river started: What looks like a boiling evil spring (pictured above) is actually one of the drain holes. this must have been caused by a bad clog underneath that has forced the rain water out from the drain hole. On a stormy day like this in Mala...